Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dreamland - The BBQ of Tuscaloosa and Football

On our way back from our vacation, my husband wanted to take me somewhere I had never been. 

                                            He wanted to treat me to something special. 

                      So, we stopped  in Tuscaloosa, AL...Well let me tell you something...
                   If you want a cool place to eat, some good food with some awesome history...


                     Dreamland is as traditional for Tuscaloosa as ALABAMA FOOTBALL. 

In 1958, Paul "Bear" Bryant starting coaching at Alabama, and John "Big Daddy" Bishop opened his first Dreamland Café.  

Big Daddy was a brick mason for many years and he longed for another way to support his family. He had narrowed it down to opening either a mortuary or a restaurant and he got down on his knees and prayed for guidance. The legend says that God had a hand in telling him in a dream to build the café on the land next to his home, and Big Daddy made that dream a reality.

The original Dreamland Café is located about two miles from the intersection of Hwy 82 and Interstate 59 just south of Tuscaloosa in an area known as Jerusalem Heights.

Inside the doors of Dreamland, you will meet friendly faces, and people who will treat you like you have known them for a lifetime.  Big Daddy always said, "You should be good to the grandparents" and his own children would help customers to their cars and open the door for them. The point is that John Bishop didn't just open a café- he made a place that was home to his children and his family and extended that feeling of love to everyone that came by.

The atmosphere at all of our locations is still a feeling of casual-down home. You can sit at the bar reading car tags or slab boxes signed by our guests and rub elbows with somebody famous or have a great conversation about sports with one of your favorite players.

                                               At Dreamland, you will be treated as kin.

"Ain’t Nothing Like `Em, Nowhere!"


The guys at Dreamland wanted to get a picture with me so one of the other guys made this picture before we left Tuscaloosa.  Charlie and I are planning on going back and having some more Dreamland there in the future.     
The young man on the left was a lil confused and the others were worried about him due to the yellow band on his wrist.  They are going to try to convince him to seek medical advice for this condition.    :)